Wednesday, 22 February 2017

How to add captions to your Wistia videos?

Captioning your Wistia videos has never been this easy

Adding captions to Wistia videos is easy. All you would need beforehand is the transcripts; check out the ways to get transcripts for Wistia. So, when you have the transcripts here’s how you add them.

6 quick steps to add closed captioning to your Wistia videos

Step 1: After you have uploaded your video to Wistia, go to your “Media Page”.

[This is where you get to play your video within your Wistia account.]


Step 2: Now click on “Video Actions” and select “Customize” from the drop-down menu.

[Located to the top-right corner of the video]

add captions to wistia

[The “Customize” panel will open]

Step 3: In the Customize panel select “Captions” and set it to “On”.

upload captions to wistia

Step 4: To “+Add” your captions, you have two choices. Choose the “Upload” option.

[By choosing “Order” you can place an order for your transcript directly from Wistia, which would be $5 per minute of audio.]

[A pop-up window will open, navigate through your folders and select your caption file corresponding to the video.]

Once your captions are uploaded, you should be able to see the “CC” button on your video.That’s it; you now have successfully captioned your Wistia video!

wistia captions

Step 5: In your “Customize” panel, under “Captions” you should now be able see 3 options (namely Edit, Download&Delete) to the right of their respective languages.

[However, for some reason you aren’t satisfied with the way the caption has come out, say due to the way it’s synced with the audio, this isn’t the end. So, fret not.]


edit wistia captions

  1. Click on “Edit” to make change to the script & its time coding
  2. Click on “Download” to of course download the script to your computer/mobile
  3. Click on “Delete” to remove it completely

Step 6: When you are done with it and are satisfied with your captions, ensure “Captions on by default” is highlighted so that your viewers don’t miss it.

turn on-off captions

You are done…

from Transcriptionstar blog

Monday, 20 February 2017

The Best Way To Caption Your Wistia Videos – TranscriptionStar

TranscriptionStar + Wistia = Accurate Wistia Captioning Services

Why is TranscriptionStar the better choice for captioning your Wistia videos? Before we dwell into that, let’s first have a brief on why captioning is important for you.

“It’s about time you got your videos captioned”, says John Murray, a podcaster based in New York.

About 18% of Americans are hard of hearing or deaf, and everyone should be able to experience your videos to the fullest. Also, you need to make your video contents accessible to all on the web; that is, people who need a little help with the language, someone who is traveling and would rather read along than strain to listen to the audio amidst noisy surroundings, and so on.

Apart from assisting your viewer, by captioning the audio you also make your video contents trackable via Google search (that is, you make your videos SEO friendly). So, go ahead and caption your videos.

First let’s look at the ways you can caption your Wistia videos.

Get Wistia videos Captioned by professionals – that is, to work with a transcription company:

When you are a regular uploader, you would want to work with a professional transcription company. It saves you a lot of time on the transcription side.


Transcription companies make use of proficient transcribers. Moreover, the companies are also capable of breaking down your videos into multiple sections and getting individual sections transcribed by a different transcriptionist, this way you get your transcripts in a surprisingly short durations, which would otherwise be impossible.

Multiple videos

Because of the same, you will be able to have many of your Wistia videos transcribed in the time you would usually take just for transcribing one video.

But, the problem with working with a transcription service provider is that, you would have to spend more and more time on “managing” these files. That is:

  1. Have your videos delivered to the transcription company
  2. Communicate with them on your requirements
  3. Follow through with emails and calls on the file’s status
  4. Once the transcripts/captions are ready; have them downloaded and then integrated into your videos
  5. When multiple files are involved you will have to make separate payments and keep track of them individually as well
  6. And more.

So, despite seeming to have reduced a lot on your workload, working with a transcription company still doesn’t make you completely free to carry on your passion of creating and publish Wistia videos.

Captioning Wistia videos yourself – that is, to work on those captions manually:

Or you can either choose to personally listen to the audio and write down the transcripts or make use of an audio to text converter tool. However you cannot solely depend on the tool for accuracy. It would require you to make the final edits before submitting the content as captions.

But, if you are doing it manually, it would take a lot of time. Which means, for regular uploaders, captioning would become an additional task amidst your already demanding video creation processes.

You can either get free or paid tools. But no matter, they cannot give you human level accuracy. That’s because of these factors.

Quality of the audio:

That is, automated tools simply cannot cope with background noise, music and/or any other sort of sound effects included in the videos.


As long as the speaker has a neutral accent, you are good, but the more accented his/her speech is, the more errors you would have to be correcting.


There’s no denying that speech recognition tools (many are available for free and many more are available for a fee) have come a long way; but there’s also no denying that none of them (neither paid nor free) can differentiate between multiple speakers!

TranscriptionStar Captioning Videos For Wistia (that is, to make use of iTranscript)

TranscriptionStar; where other professional transcription companies’ falter we provide solutions in the form of our all new and upgraded iTranscript platform.


You enjoy all the benefits of working with a transcription company, but, minus all those cumbersome processes. This single platform will function as your one-stop port for everything including marking, tracking, and having your videos transcribed without having to do anything other than selecting and confirming.

Wistia iTranscript

To explain: Via iTranscript platform you link your Wistia account with TranscriptionStar’s. Now all your Wistia videos are listed out in iTranscript. All you have to do now is scroll through this list and select the videos that you want captions for, and simply click on confirm. That it! Our certified transcribers will be transcribing your Wistia Videos and make captioning easy for you.


You no longer have to bother with uploading your videos to the transcription company, or worry about sending sensitive data via tentative 3rd party file sharing services. All your data are transferred via the platform’s secure interface.

So, once you have confirmed the videos that you want transcribed, you should immediately be able to track its progress. Also you can make payments through the same platform, no fuss, just choose your preferred and secure mode of payment (PayPal, Credit Card, etc).

And, once your files are transcribed, you will be alerted via your email as well; all this, with just a couple of clicks.

Give it a try now!


from Transcriptionstar blog

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Know how to add captions to your Vimeo videos (In < than 5 mins)

Easy steps to add closed captioning to your Vimeo videos

Adding captions encourage viewers to have a better experience with your videos. A study states there’s a spike of 80% in viewer’s staying to the end of your videos if only you add captions to them. So, let’s get started.

Vimeo accepts WebVTT (.vtt) format for its captions. If your want captions, then check out  how to get captions for your Vimeo videos . Now, once you have your captions, Vimeo lets you add them pretty quick and easy.

Seven simple steps to upload captions to your Vimeo videos:


Step 1: Login to your Vimeo account and click on the “Manage Videos” tab from the top bar.

[Here all your uploaded videos will be listed down.]

Vimeo captions

Step 2: Now click on the respective “Settings” (Gear) icon at the top-right of the video that you would like to add captions for.


Step 3: Click on the “Advanced” tab.

Step 4: Here, under the Add Captions & Subtitles section click on “Choose a Caption file to Upload” button.

(A pop-up window will open, where you should select your WebVTT file by browsing through the right folder/path.)


Step 5: Once your files is selected, choose your “Language”, and specify whether it’s a Caption or Subtitle.

Step 6: If you have any translated subtitles, now is a good time to add them as well. Follow the steps 4 & 5, and select their respective language and type.

[A caption includes text of both the conversations and the sound effects, whereas subtitle includes just the conversations.]

Step 7: Once you are done with loading your WebVTT files and choosing the appropriate choices, you have to confirm your change by clicking on the “Save Changes” button.

That’s it, you are done. You can start watching your videos with captions immediately by simply clicking on the “CC” button on your video.

from Transcriptionstar blog

Monday, 6 February 2017

TranscriptionStar Integrates With Vimeo To Provide Easy And Quick Closed Captioning Services.

TranscriptionStar announces integration with Vimeo!

First-off, why caption & subtitle your videos? So that the deaf and the hard of hearing can better experience your videos, right?

Captioning viewers

Yes, however, more people benefit from them as well, such as:

  1. People who are in a noisy location (like in a metro) or in quiet places (like a library)
  2. Some people like to read along
  3. Others might need a little assistance with the language
  4. And so on…

Riding along that trend, it is observed that your Vimeo videos will receive an increase of about 80% more users viewing through the end if only provided with captions. After all, that’s what we want, right!

And adding more to your benefits is that, the transcripts of your videos make your Vimeo channel more SEO friendly. Your videos also become more suitable to be shared via Twitters, Facebook, etc. A win-win situation; you deliver your videos to more people, and more people get to benefit from your videos.

So, here’s how to get those transcripts for your videos first.

A) Transcribe your videos yourself:

Let’s be honest, transcribing your videos yourself is going to be your no-cost choice. But, transcribing manually is a painstaking process, and it chews into a lot of your precious time. So, if you would rather make more videos than sitting down to transcribe them, then this option isn’t for you.


It’s absolutely free. (Unless you want to use some kind of premium tools)

Sky is the limit – when it comes to accuracy. You can make them as precise as you want them to be.

If it’s a short video or rather you have enough leisure time, then transcribing the video yourself could be your best choice.


Time & labor intensive

And, manual time-codes isn’t the most pleasurable job

B) Using professional transcription services:

If you are on a time constrain or simple don’t have the patience for manual transcription, then a professional captioning service should be your ideal choice.

Say, you host a Vimeo channel and are likely to drop-in a couple of videos every other day; you don’t want to be captioning them all by yourself. It is better to stick with a transcription company who can offer you their services on a consistent basis.

The pluses:

Precise captioning in shorter durations

Can have multiple videos captioned within the same time-cap, unlike when manually transcribing them

A regular Vimeo uploader can capitalize on time saved, and concentrate more on doing the pleasurable stuff – developing videos


Of course – it comes at a cost!

Managing your files and keeping a track of your transcripts can be a pain

And, uploading/downloading your videos & captions back and forth between Vimeo and the transcription company can also get pretty repetitive & intense on the long run

But still, we see a lot of Vimeo users opting for professional captioning services, simply because the pros outweigh the cons, anytime.

However, TranscriptionStar didn’t take this lightly, and so wanted to offer our users a permanent solution from these shortcomings that you face with every other transcription service provider out there. So, the solution is…

C) TranscriptionStar’s integration of  Vimeo API:

Vimeo captioning

Through our integration, we wanted to make your transcription experience significantly better. And, we have achieved just that, via Vimeo API integration within our all upgraded & dedicated platform – the iTranscript.

With iTranscript you will now be able to manage your Vimeo videos requiring captions in a jiffy. That is, you begin with linking your Vimeo &TranscriptionStar’s accounts. Once that’s done, all your Vimeo videos will be listed down in your iTranscript account (as and when new videos are uploaded, it will the updated in this list). Select the once you want captioned, and then confirm. That’s it!

Captioning vimeo videos


Upload vimeo videos

Track your files’ status, and gab your transcripts as per the set TATs. Just a few clicks are all it takes to caption your entire video collection. Sounds easy enough? Would you like to get it a free try? We assure that you will not want to go back to the cumbersome old ways…

from Transcriptionstar blog