Thursday 30 March 2017

Reasons Why Transcribing Webcast Help Generate More Revenue/Traffic

Benefits of transcribing your webcasts

“Over 60% of businesses use webcasts as their trusty marketing tool”

– A survey by Content Marketing Institute

Promoting your business or service involves great marketing strategies. And webcasts have proven to be incredible tools at reaching out to large audience. Demos, tutorials, marketing materials; all help persuade your potential customers.

Webcasts truly are an effective yet cheap way to promote your business. That’s why even companies that aren’t associated with media-related businesses have suited up to webcast their services/products.

For an entrepreneur, hosting and creating webcasts have become a lot easier & cheaper, but, the challenge to stand out from the crowd has gone up multi-folds. Amidst this competitive environment that’s overflowing with web contents, you need to take all the advantages you possibly can to break the obstacle that’s stopping your expansion.

Why transcribe your webcasts?

transcribing webcasts


“About 37% learn about Webcasts via online community”

– States a survey by TechTarget.

Let’s consider that you have put in everything you’ve got into your webcasts.But yet, you aren’t getting the kind of visibility that your webcasts deserve (It seems as though your webcasts are almost invisible to the online community)!So, why is that?

No matter how good your webcast presentations are, you cannot reach your potential unless your contents can reach their intended target (audience). So, how do you reach-out to people who are searching for webinars related to yours on the web?

To do that you need to make your webcasts trackable. That is, convert your contents into the format that’s searchable. Audios & videos aren’t typically recognized by search-spiders, however, texts are. So,you have to prepare your webcast to become“crawl-able” (textual); that’s how you do it.You “Transcribe” your webcasts.

 Transcribing webcasts- Guide the way to more customers.

Stats by Built With shows –YouTube & Bright cove cover 82% of the overall live-stream hosting webspace.

(Learn how to add transcripts to your videos)

Recently, webcasters have taken to offering transcripts along with their webcasts.This helps them make their contents permanently available for search. And with transcripts you are able to reach out to a larger audience,&open up your business to newer customers.

Transcripts make your webcasts meet section 508.

Also, you can publish your content on websites, provide them as instructional, or publish them as catalogues; the list goes on.

So, when you are looking to host your webcast, adding a transcript will help it perform better and stay viable for longer.

Also, apart from aiding your remote audience in tracking your webcast, webcast transcription services will help individuals using mobile devices to watch your webcasts on-the-go. The text will allow them to follow through your presentation/description even at environment is noisy or not suitable for listening to the audio.

 Webcasting Problem and Solution

Despite webcasts becoming much easier to handle and finance, they still demand certain levels of requirements.

  • High speed internet– Solid web connections are required from both sides (webcaster & viewer), else there are possibilities for certain failure, disruption& distortion due to inadequate bandwidth.
  • Staffing– You need to invest on additional staffing with specializations related to media & broadcasting. So, businesses that aren’t basically media-related have to pool in external services. Only then will you be able to provide high-quality webcasts that have good quality audio & video.

However, both of these factors can be overcome when you transcribe your webcast. That is, the viewers won’t have to depend on your audio quality or HD video to grab the essence of your webcasts.Nor, would they have to worry about disruptive internet connectivity. They can always follow your webcasts via the transcripts.

So, giving you the financial leverage to invest on your needed business amenities rather than on media products.


From helping you reach-out to more types of audience, to offering your existing audience an additional resource to benefit from, outsourcing webcast transcription services repay its value in multi-folds. Thus, increasing your traffic…

Also, your webinars should now be in a much stronger position to pursue your customers, thus increasing your revenue…

from Transcriptionstar blog

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