Friday 10 March 2017

Top 5 Benefits of Closed Captioning Webinar Videos

How captioning webinar videos help grow your traffic?

The need to generate more web-traffic is the modern entrepreneurs’ gratifying objective.And; the path to it -though riddled by obstacles – is filled with opportunities.

One such bright opportunity is, going the webinar way! Why is that?

With a proven track record, webinar scan help businesses generate better& sustained conversions(example: Adobe reports 19% conversion from their webinars). Reason: It is because webinars provide a bridge of trust between you and your targeted audiences,connecting them directly to you, and so they trust you, your products&services better.Which of-course is the perfect environment to brew- your conversions!

To quote attendees perspective:

With successful webinars you grow your online presence & gain influential authority; a surefire way to the top of the food-chain. But then, along comes the obstacles…

Such potentials are cut-short and fractured by hurdles such as accent, languages (foreign), user environment,user needs and/or user preferences.But, there is a method to put a leash on these factors. And it’s called Closed Captions.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should closed caption webinar videos:

why captioning webinars?


1. Voicing the flat world

Starting with the core factor, we have to admit that “language” plays the lead role in helping your webinars reach a larger viewership. Your webinars would be watched by hundreds if not thousands of viewers, and many of them might be of a different nationality;but, can you communicate to them all?

You can; by adding captions to webinars. And, you immediately pool in two types of viewers.

  1. People having limited knowledge to the language (Example: Someone who might have taken English as second language.) Or has a different accent.
  2. People having no understanding of the language (Example: Someone who could be from another country and has no knowledge of English). These people would need some sort of translation.

Accent – Changes in accent could mean a world of difference to the viewers,and we all speak differently and have so many such accents; so, that’s a lot of difference.

People who speak ESL (English as second language) greatly benefit from captions. This ensures better understanding of the subject discussed, and helps them comprehend complex or unfamiliar terms.

So, webinar transcription and webinar closed captioning services can help capture these types of attendees and help them understand your webinars better.

Translations – When addressing attendees from across the globe, you would want to communicate with them in their native languages as well. But since, you may not want to re-voice all your webinars in multiple languages (even if you could), the best way around would be to add translated captions to your webinars.

This is a sure way to grow your webinars attendees across all nationalities.

2. Visual Reinforcement

Some people are visual learners;their retention potential improves significantly when stimulated visually than via audio.

These audiences will absorb the essence of your webinars better if the audio is reinforced with text. This visual incentive helps sprout focus & reliance over your webinars, thus encouraging them to stick with services or products further.

So, by entertaining captions for your webinars you assist these visual learners,thus, effectively keeping your attendee strength strong.

3. Lending an Ear

Another prime reason for webinars captioning is to assist people who are deaf or hard of hearing.Such people will have a hard time trying to comprehend what you offer through your webinar, unless you provide them with captions.

You don’t just make their life easier you also encourage them to benefit from your webinars more.

And, by taking measurable steps to ensure that your resources are accessible to all people equally, you comply with the Section 504 & 508 of Rehabilitation Act.

4. Reaching Out to the Search Engine

Next, is the far-reaching effect captioning has on your webinars- it’s search ability. To grow your webinars’ viewer-traffic and to make it readily accessible to the internet community, closed captioning for webinars is mandatory.

The transcripts of your audio can help capture the Google’s search bot, or any other such search bots to index and weight your webinars better in the search result. Thus, allowing your content to be available to more people, effectively making your webinar SEO friendly.

5. Nullifying the Noisy Environment

When in a busy, noisy place your webinar attendees might have to work extra hard to hear you, or might even put off participating until they reach a quieter space. To assist them in such situations, captioning webinar videos gives your audience more reasons to stay connected, and you, more opportunities to sustain and grow your webinar’s traffic.


So, by just captioning your webinars, you gain a collaborative increase to your attendees’ count!

Webinar authors/creators have been diving head-first into captioning to take advantage of this scenario. Why don’t you give it a try? – For free of-course!

from Transcriptionstar blog

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